Toffee is a small, tan and brown brindle beagle mix. She is scared of everything when not in her home environment.
Chopper is a bi-colored black and tan German Shepherd Dog in the classic saddle coat pattern. He is two years old. He lives in the high numbers of Fox Glen Ct.
Rocco is a black and tan beagle and Patterdale terrier mix, so he will always be small. At the end of June, 2022, he is approximately 3 months old. He lives in the high numbers of Fox Glen Ct.
Cain is a
Cain is a tan and brown lab mix with a very small black spot on one of his legs. He is also microchipped. He lives on Holly Springs Circle. |
Laile is a small Black and White dog. She has one eye. She lives on Springwater.
Maggie is a Domestic medium haired cat. She is a green eyed tortoiseshell who is extremely skittish. She has a fluffy coat but is small in stature. She lives on Sandy Point Way.
Oreo is a stray female tuxedo cat in need of a home. She is mostly seen on Lake Shore Blvd. She is super sweet, and allows herself to be handled. She currently wears a collar with a bell. While she is being fed regularly, she would appreciate a home of her own.
If you think you would like to adopt her, please fill in the Contact form below. Someone will get in touch with you. Thank you.
Mystro is a small tan & brown dog. He weighs approximately 16 pounds. He lives on St. Augustine Way.
Chewy is a brown, black, and white Lab/chihuahua mix. He lives on Braxton Manor Drive.
Ziva is a Springer Spaniel/Lab mix. He is black with a white patch, and lives on Fox Glen Court.
Bowser is a male orange tabby neutered cat. Bowser has a chip registered to Raymond Campbell.
Moth is a male black neutered cat. Moth has a chip registered to Brianna Balla. He has one white toe on his right front paw.
Cinder is a male grey/tan/white neutered chiweenie dog. Cinder, does not have a chip
Georgia Belle is a black female dog. She lives on Sandy Point Way.
Max is a red-brown dog. He lives on Sandy Point Way.