HOA Documents

Lake Shore HOA CovenantsAmendments - 2014 09 15
Lake Shore HOA Covenants - 2006: This document contains the organization, rules and regulations, rights and responsibilities for homeowners and residents of the Lake Shore subdivision.

The Amendments to the Covenants should be kept and distributed with the Covenants. These will be added to as they are discovered or passed by HOA Member vote.

The Lake Shore HOA Covenants require an ARB Permit request be filled out, and returned to Lanier for the Architectural Review Board review and approval or disapproval, before you begin construction.. Should your request be disapproved, you may then file a Variance request. Details of the procedure and Design Standards may be found in the HOA Covenants, and the Design Standards contained in the 2015 Handbook.

You may have to apply for, and receive, a City Permit as part of your ARB request. Fences, and sheds over 12 ft x 10 ft in dimensions need a City Permit.

Lake Shore HOA ByLaws

The original Lake Shore HOA ByLaws were an Exhibit B attached to the Lake Shore HOA Covenants. These original ByLaws appear to have been misplaced. Amending or creating ByLaws after  POA or non-profit corporation has Members, requires an HOA Member vote.

The current ByLaws were signed into being without an HOA Member vote.

The Lake Shore HOA ByLaws detail the organization of the HOA; the voting procedures that govern the HOA; and the responsibilities of the HOA Board of Directors, and such Committees as the Board of Directors might organize.
Lake Shore HOA Articles of IncorporationThe Villas at Lake Shore Covenants
If you live in the townhouses at The Villas at Lakeshore, you are covered by the Lake Shore HOA Covenants and The Villas at Lakeshore HOA Covenants.
Lake Shore HOA 2015 Handbook 
Lake Shore HOA Handbook - distributed 2015: This document is designed to better explain the Homeowners Association Annual dues; the Clubhouse and rental procedures; the swimming pool regulations; other Common Property usage; procedures for requesting and obtaining Architectural Review Board permits and variances; and other guidance for the homeowners and residents of the Lake Shore Subdivision. The Handbook contains the updated Design Standards, as called for in the Lake Shore HOA Covenants, as well as the updated rules and regulations for use of the Common Property and Amenities owned and maintained by the HOA.

The 2015 Handbook, distributed to the members of the HOA, was developed and distributed under the following sections and articles of the Declaration of Covenants, Restrictions and Easements of the Lake Shore Subdivision, as registered with the proper county and city authorities in February 2006. These articles and sections require the Board to set rules and regulations for the use of Common Property , and set Design Standards for the community. As such, the guidelines established in the Handbook are given the force of the Covenants.

Rules and Regulations for use of Common Property:
Article II: Common Property, 2.03: Rights of the Association,
The rights and privileges conferred in Section 2.02 herof shall be subject to the right and, where applicable, the obligation of the Association acting through the Board to:
(a) Promulgate rules and regulations relating to the use, operation, and maintenance of the Common Property, including, but not limited to, provisions for the imposition and assessment of fines for violation of any such rules and regulations
(Page 10).

Design Standards:
Article V: Architectural Control, 5.04: Operations of the ACC, (b) Activities, (i)
The ACC shall adopt and promulgate the Design Standards described in Section 5.05 hereof ……..

Section 5.05 Design Standards
(a) The ACC shall from time to time adopt, promulgate, amend, revoke, and enforce guidelines (the “Design Standards”) …….
(Pages 22 and 23)

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