
Jan 28 2020


6:30 pm - 7:30 pm

Reconvened HOA Annual Meeting and Election of New Board Members

The Lake Shore HOA Annual Board Meeting and Election of New Board Members was adjourned at the December 17th meeting. The Meeting has been reconvened for the purpose of the Election of New Board Members.  The meeting was adjourned as there was not a quorum of members present in person or by proxy.  The quorum on December 17th was 60.  The quorum on January 28th will be 30.

Lanier will be mailing out notification of the new meeting with proxy votes for anyone wishing to change an existing proxy or assign a new one. You do not need to refill out a proxy vote form if yours was already lodged at the December 17th meeting. You do not fill out a proxy vote form if you are attending the meeting.  The Lanier mailer will contain any instructions as to voting methods etc.

The Lake Shore HOA Annual meeting is open too all members of the Lake Shore HOA.  Our HOA management company, Lanier, will be present tat the reconvened meeting.

Elections for new board members are usually held at the Annual Meeting.  To vote in the elections, you must be a homeowner is good standing.  This means that all dues, fines and any accumulated interest must have been paid in full. The 2020 dues are not counted for this as they are not due until Jan 2020.

Each lot has one vote, no matter how many adults may reside in the home. The home may be represented by any of the adults who are on the deed to the house (you can check who is eligible by looking at the mailing label on the large white envelope Lanier recently sent with the 2020 Dues statement, 2020 Budget, information about the Annual Meeting, and a Proxy Vote form; if your name is on this label, you would be eligible to vote as the representative for your home/lot.)

If you cannot attend the Annual Meeting, you may fill in the Proxy Form.  On this, you specify who, or what entity you wish to have your Proxy.  You may choose an individual who will be attending the Annual Meeting, or assign your vote to the current Board of Directors who will decide how this vote is to be applied. The Proxy Form needs to be deposited with Lanier seven (7) days before the reconvened Annual Meeting and Election of Board Members

You may download a proxy vote form from this website.

 © 2020  Lake Shore Community