Chopper is a bi-colored black and tan German Shepherd Dog in the classic saddle coat pattern. He is two years old. He lives in the high numbers of Fox Glen Ct.
Rocco is a black and tan beagle and Patterdale terrier mix, so he will always be small. At the end of June, 2022, he is approximately 3 months old. He lives in the high numbers of Fox Glen Ct.
Zeno is an 18 pound tuxedo cat. He is a neutered male, weighing about 18 pounds. He is the cat at the bottom of the photo. Zeno has medical problems, so needs to get home as soon as possible. He has absolutely no tail. Zeno lives on Roseberry Circle. The other cat in the photo is his brother, Auri. They are both 3 years old.
Auri is the cat on the top of the photo. He is a black and white short haired neutered male cat. He weighs 18 pounds. He has a 3 inch, crooked tail. The other cat is Zeno. They are both 3 years old and live on Roseberry Circle.
Doc is a neutered, 33 pound black tri-colored Border Collie. He is one year old. He lives on Roseberry Circle.
Milton is a black & white dog. He is 3 years old and approx 65lbs.