
Dec 08 2019


6:00 pm - 8:00 pm

Deck the Clubhouse!

Help deck the Lake Shore Clubhouse for the holidays!

Join us at the Clubhouse December 8 from 6pm to 8pm a the Lake Shore community comes together to decorate our Clubhouse for the holidays.We will have crafts and seasonal movies to occupy the little ones. We hope to see you there.

Please indicate if you plan to attend on our FaceBook Page (click the Event tab to find this event). (If you are not a member of the Lake Shore HOA Facebook Page, please ask to join. Make sure to answer the security questions, as you will not be added if you don’t. Please do not invite your friends to the FB page via the Invite tab, as this does not give them the option of joining the page and being asked to answer the security questions common to private FB pages.)

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